One of the best ways to "Get Connected" to a church is to get familiar with the ministries offered and then "Get Involved." At River of Hope, our desire is to help people discover their own specific callings in the body of Christ and then to put those talents to use for the honor and glory of God! The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 12, that we are all one body in Christ, but with many parts. He also goes on to say that EVERY part is needful and no part should be treated with less honor than another. Our prayer warriors are just as necessary as our preachers and our housekeepers are treated with just as much respect as our worship team. For more information, see our "Ministries" pages or for inquiries regarding immediate needs within the church, please email us at


Another great way to "Get Connected" is arrive early for service or stay after service, and also attending church fellowships and events. You will find the people at River of Hope to be friendly and genuinely caring. The bible teaches us that if a person desires friends, he must show himself friendly. We invite you to stick around and get to know us.


The leadership at River of Hope feels strongly that one of the functions of the church should be to step outside the sanctuary and serve the community. What better way to build relationships than on the mission field! There is a unique bond that forms when working together in harmony with like minded people toward a common goal.